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Ordinary Human Being.. Every man makes mistakes so I am no exception... Sometimes I may not realize what bad stuff I am capable of doing and how it have hurts the people that I love. If I ever hurt your feeling then I would love to make it up to you so do let me know. Simple things will turn out big when kept to yourself. So, let it go even if it means hurting the people you love because based on my experience the pain is much more when shoot at a close range means when faced all at once . I love my parents , my family and all my loved ones. I would do anything for them and nothing they'll do would hurt me more and nothing I do would hurt them more than It hurt myself...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A little something, something for my 'amiga'... plus2... Surat Dari Iman Untuk Hati

As the title said... This is a little something something for your love and time.. ahahaha ( as if i got a thousand followers  on my blog.. LOL!!

Well, Let see... emmm
Today, i'm not gonna be writing in English...huhu..so, excuse me...i'm gonna put in some 'rojak' in today's post...
Quite recently I'd received a tons of PM ( private message) saying bout a lot of stuff concerning our faith and believes.. our heart and the norms of us as human...( muslims can relate... some of it may be specially dedicated to them..but, u all can read , can't you? :-) Okies~

Here Goes Something~
" Jika Allah Sayangkan Seseorg, dia akan beri iman. Jika Allah Sayang lagi...
ermm... on second thought.. i'll just translate it for you guys ..ok!!

" If Allah S.W.T. love someone, Allah S.W.T will give him 'Iman'...
If Allah S.W.T loves him even more, Allah S.W.T. will give him strength to perform his obligation towards his religion(Islam)
with perfection....
and If Allah love him even even more than that...Allah will burden us with world affairs ... just to test how far and how much we love Allah  S.W.T back..
So, let us take a glimpse back and think of how much of our love towards God almighty as compared to HIS love for us..~MAHABBAH FILLAH~"

There's one more...This is a keepsake...

( SORRY... The following is in malay due to the fact that i'm getting lazy to translate it as it is quite long you see.. huhu.. SoRRy again guys)

~Surat Dari Iman Untuk Hati~

" Assalamualaikum,.. Hati
OOoo.. Hati..
Dengar jap... dok ( duduk)  baik-baik
Iman nak Cakap "Something"..
Emmm.. Camna nak cakap ni yek...??
Kalau Iman tak cakap sekarang , nanti takut Hati dah pergi jauh dari Iman, nanti 'time' tu, tak dapat dah Iman tegur Hati. Iman mula ya...
Sebenarnya 2-3 menjak ni, Iman tengok Hati dah makin jauh dari Allah...
Kalau dulu, Iman tengok setiap kali Hati buat ibadat, dengar nasihat, Hati mesti ' relate' dengan Allah dan cepat-cepat muhasabah.
Hati jangan ingat Iman tuduh melulu, Akal pun sependapat dengan Iman tau,..tak ingat ke kita dulu sahabat akrab, di mana ada Iman , kat situlah ada Akal dan Hati...
Tapi sekarang sejak kawan dengan Nafsu, Hati dah macam tak nak kawan ngan kami. Bila Nafsu suruh buat sesuatu, Hati terus ikut tanpa tanya pendapat kami dulu. Sedih tau kami bila Hati buat camni. Kenapa dengan sekejap sangat Hati dah banyak berubah.. Kenapa sejak kawan dengan Nafsu, Hati dah banyak langgar prinsip-prinsip kecintaan Hati pada Allah.. Hati dah isi kecintaan tu pada benda-benda lain??
Allah, Hati!!! Macam mana boleh jadi macam ni?
 Bukan ke dulu  Hati dah ikrar bahawa sesungguhnya tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah dan Nabi Muhammad itu persuruh Allah??
OOoo.. patutlah Hati dah jadi macam ni...
Hati dah terpaut pada benda lain yg xde hak untuk Hati cintai!!
Kenapa Hati ??
Jawab la...
Tak sedar ke , Hati dah banyk langgar prinsip Hati dek kerana cintakan benda lain tu?
Sedarlah Hati. Iman rasa dah makin lemah ni, bila Hati dah teguh pendirian nak kawan ngan Nafsu, last2 Akal ngan Iman yg kawan dengan Hati selama ni tinggal camtu je.
Hati, sebelum Hati dah jauh sangat, Iman mintak sangat2 kat Hati... please turn to your old self, kembali jadi Hati yg dulu, yang cinta sangat pada Allah dan Nabi.
Taubatlah sebelum Allah tarik,.. NYAWA JASAD YANG MENEMPATKAN HATI....
Yang Ikhlas.. Iman~